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Solid Resilient Flooring (SPC) - Installation & Care Instructions(C)
Solid Resilient Flooring (SPC) is tough and durable; however, if a plank becomes damaged, it can be replaced. If the damaged plank is along the perimeter of the room, the easiest technique is to disconnect the planks until the damaged plank is removed. Replace the plank and reassemble the planks. If it is impractical to disconnect and reassemble the flooring, the following procedure should be followed:
* Using a straight edge and a sharp utility knife, cut out and remove the center of the damaged plank, leaving approximately a 10” or 250mm strip attached to the surrounding planks on all sides.
* Carefully cut back from the corners of the plank to the inside edge.
* Remove the plank edges by wiggling the cut plank out from the tongue and groove of the surrounding planks.
* Prepare the replacement plank by placing the plank face down and folding back and removing the groove strip on both the long and end profile. Using the decorative surface of the tongue end as a guide cut away this overhanging profile using a sharp utility knife.
* Place some double-sided carpet tape onto the subfloor covering sufficient area of the removed plank.
* Position the replacement plank by engaging the tongue of the long side into the groove of the adjoining plank. "Hinge" the prepared replacement plank into position.
* Use a hand roller to assist in aligning the plank edges into position.
* Use doormats outside each entrance to your home to prevent dirt, sand, grit and other substances from being tracked onto your floor. Use non-staining mats on your floor. Do not put rubber-backed, latex-backed or coco fiber mats on your floor because they will stain or damage the surface.
* Protect the finished Solid Resilient Flooring (SPC) installation from exposure to direct sunlight. Close your curtains or blinds where extreme sunlight hits the floor. A combination of heat and sunlight causes most fading or discolorations.
* Support furniture with wide-bearing, non-staining floor protectors. Ideally, the protectors should be at least one inch in diameter, made of non-pigmented hard plastic, and rest flat on the floor. Non-staining felt protectors are also acceptable. Casters (type W), felt pads or floor protectors are recommended for all moveable furniture. Use protection mats under chairs with caster in order to avoid abrasion of the vinyl flooring. Make sure that any metal protectors are rust-proof.
* If you need to move heavy furniture and/or appliances across the floor, always use strips of wood, plywood, or hardboard runways to protect the floor. Always use runways even if you have an appliance dolly, or even if the heavy objects are equipped with wheels or rollers.
* Sweep your flooring regularly with a damp cloth and only with water at least once a week.
* Prevent stains by wiping up spills promptly.
* Occasional mopping with Rinse-Free Cleaner is recommended when dirt builds up and sweeping alone is not sufficient. Follow strictly the guidelines given on the bottle. Do not use soap or detergent products as they will leave a dulling film. Do not use steel wool or scouring powder as they will scratch the floor.
Stain Solving Tips:
* The overall stain resistance of our floors is excellent and most spills will wipe off quickly and easily with a clean, white cloth.
* Removing certain substances may take a little extra effort, as outlined in the chart below.
* Start with first step listed. Only do steps necessary to resolve the problem.
* Always use a clean, white cloth for wiping up stains and turn it frequently to avoid spreading the stain. Rinse with clean water and allow area to dry between steps.
* If stain removal causes a change in gloss level, apply polish to restore the shine. Do not use wax, do not buff. Allow polish to dry “tack-free” between coats.
Food, Beverages |
If a substance is gummy, scrape off with dull knife. Clean using Heavy Duty Cleaner and Stripper and a soft nylon pad or soft bristle brush. Saturate a clean, white cloth with bleach solution, cover stain and allow standing for no more than 1 hour. |
Tar,Oil,Asphalt,Grease, Wax,Paint (oil-based), Scuffs, Marks,Scratches |
Scrape excess substance off with dull knife. Clean using Heavy Duty Cleaner and Stripper and a soft nylon pad or soft bristle brush. Wipe with a clean, white cloth dampened with lighter fluid, painter's naphtha or isopropyl alcohol. |
Minor Cuts,Burns |
Limit traffic over damaged area, cover with masking tape, contact your seller for advice. |
Lipstick,Antiseptics |
Scrape excess off with a dull knife. Clean using Heavy Duty Cleaner and Stripper and a soft nylon pad or soft bristle brush. Wipe with a clean, white cloth dampened with lighter fluid, painter´s naphtha or isopropyl alcohol. Saturate a clean, white cloth with bleach solution, cover stain and allow standing for no more than 1 hour. |
Rust |
Clean using Heavy Duty Cleaner and Stripper and a soft nylon pad or soft bristle brush. Saturate a clean, white cloth with bleach solution, cover stain and allow standing for no more than 1 hour. |
Crayon, Ink,Hair Dye, Permanent Marker |
Clean using Heavy Duty Cleaner and Stripper and a soft nylon pad or soft bristle brush. Wipe with a clean, white cloth dampened with lighter fluid, painter's naphtha or isopropyl alcohol. |
Click here to see Solid Resilient Flooring (SPC) - Installation & Care Instructions(A)
Click here to see Solid Resilient Flooring (SPC) - Installation & Care Instructions(B)